International and Comparative Business Law (LLM) (ML26)

This programme provides an excellent grounding in business law, for those interested in pursuing a career in legal practice or in the commercial world. Students can choose from a range of modules at an advanced level and tailor their LLM to suit their interests and career plans. You will expand your knowledge of business law from a national, regional and international perspective. Modules include such diverse options as EU Competition Law, Advanced Intellectual Property Law, and European Consumer Law to Global Issues in Contemporary Labour Law. This programme provides students with an opportunity to engage with leading commercial practitioners to develop their legal expertise and skills in business law.


Semester 1          3 modules (30 ECTS)

Semester 2          3 modules (30 ECTS)

Semester 3          Commercial Legal Placement (30 ECTS) or (Summer) Minor Thesis


Course and module offerings and details may be subject to change but may include the following optional modules. 

  • EU Competition Law
  • International Commercial Property Law
  • International Business Law Moot
  • Legal Skills: Commercial Practice, Advocacy and Dispute Resolution
  • Advanced Intellectual Property Law and Development
  • Advanced Comparative Law
  • Commercial Law in Context
  • EU External Relations Law
  • Advanced Legal Research & Method 
  • Advocacy, Activism and Public Interest Law
  • Commericial Legal Placements*

*A limited number of places are available for ‘Commercial Legal Placements’, which allow students to work in a leading commercial law firm over the summer as an alternative to the minor thesis. Selection of students for ‘Commercial Legal Placement’ is competitive and is decided upon the basis of an application and interview.

  • Minor Thesis

Those not undertaking the placement are required to complete a minor thesis (15,000 words) over the summer months. The thesis allows students to conduct supervised research in an area of business law of their choosing. Students will receive support and guidance from their supervisor on how to identify a research topic, conducting the research and writing up the minor thesis which will be due for submission mid-July.

Master of Laws (LLM)
Intakes and Duration
1 Year
Total Fees
Entry Requirements
An Honours degree from a recognised institution Minimum of Second Class Honours (Second Division)/2.5/4 CGPA
Second Class Honours (First Division)/3/4 CGPA
1st Class Honours/3.5/4 CGPA

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