Structured PhD (Mathematics)

Short summary of the research area.

The research activity in Mathematics at NUI Galway covers a broad range of topics spanning algebra, analysis, geometry and topology. There is a particular strength in Computational Algebra, which has led to the establishment of de Brún Centre, with a mission is to support research in broad areas of algebra and its applications.

The various research groups within the discipline of Mathematics host a wide range of workshops, seminars and graduate courses, resulting in a unique and thriving graduate research programme.

Some subjects in this course are:-

1. Algebra

  • Group theory including group varieties, representation theory of finite groups, associative and non-associative rings, and group rings, coding theory and cryptography.
  • Computational algebra including computational homological algebra, computational group theory, computational representation theory.

2. Linear and Multilinear Algebra

  • Analysis and Numerical Analysis
  • Functional analysis, in particular tensor products, multilinear forms, polynomials and holomorphic functions on Banach spaces.
  • Non-linear analysis, including differential and integral equations, and fixed point theory.
  • Numerical analysis and computational differential equations.

3. Geometry and Topology

  • Differential geometry and the geometry and topology of Lie groups and homogeneous spaces,
  • Analytic topology and order
Master of Science (Engineering) (Research)
Total Fees
€ 14,666
Entry Requirements
To be eligible to enter on a programme of study and research for the degree of PhD you must have reached a high honours standard at the examination for the primary degree or presented such evidence as will satisfy the Head of School and the College of your fitness.

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