Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History
The promotion of Chinese history and culture is captured in the restructured curriculum of the Bachelor’s Degree in History, following rigorous procedures of academic Quality Assurance. While the new curriculum retains ancient Chinese history, it also widens the scope of students’ historical knowledge with a multifaceted perspective and a broader view of the world and society. The three domains of the new curriculum, Chinese history, world history and urban history, adopt both historical and interdisciplinary approaches to analyze history, to provide systematic and interconnected knowledge of the historical evolvement of China and the World, as well as to reflect on the socio-cultural histories of Chinese and global urban development.
Our dedication to the promotion of Chinese heritage and history is further reflected in the design of our General Education Programme, whereby one of the four areas is Chinese Culture in the 21st century. The area relates ideas and concepts in ancient Chinese teachings to contemporary society, and analyses the economic, social and political application of Chinese culture in the globalized world. Enhancing the knowledge on Chinese history and civilization, as well as understanding multiple articulations of Chinese heritage, will be pertinent for cultivating the values and citizenship of modern Chinese nation and global consciousness for our future generations.