Bachelor of Engineering (Undenominated)

Engineering is a wide area, covering such fields as civil, mechanics, electronics and computer technology. This course offers you the option of studying engineering in a general way for a year before going on to specialise in your chosen field in year two. It has been designed to help you make your choice about what professional engineering qualification you wish to study for by giving you a year to study the basic concepts and fundamentals of engineering. Therefore, it will help you to make an informed choice about what you wish to specialise in by enabling you to find out where your aptitude and interests lie. Undenominated Engineering will always stand to students as a foundation course. On successful completion of their first year exams, students will be able to transfer to the second year of one of the programmes within the College of Science and Engineering. Prospective students should note that they will be at no academic disadvantage having chosen first year Undenominated Engineering: they will not have to complete an additional year of study (which is a common misconception about this programme!). If anything, students will be able to make an informed decision about their area of study having completed Undenominated Engineering.


Year 1

In first year you get to explore different areas of engineering, allowing you the time you need to find the discipline that is right for you. On successful completion of your first-year exams, you will be able to apply to transfer to the second year of one of the denominated programmes

Intakes and Duration
1 Year (Students then transfer into a denominated programme)
Total Fees
€ 23,140
Entry Requirements
Minimum Grade H5 in two subjects and passes in four other subjects at O6/H7 Level in the Leaving Certificate, including Irish, English, Mathematics, a laboratory science subject (i.e., Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Physics with Chemistry (joint), Agricultural Science or Computer Science) or Technology, and any two other subjects recognised for entry purposes.
Additional requirements: Minimum H4 in Mathematics or, alternatively, obtain a pass in the Engineering Maths Qualifying Exam (held in the University).

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