Structured PhD (Biomedical Engineering Science), full-time

This programme is intended for those students who are affiliated to specific aligned Structured PhD programmes underway within NUI Galway and partner institutions, who wish to be categorised and conferred as NCBES students.

Students will be affiliated to their designated Structured PhD programme throughout and will carry out their research and education activities within the NCBES or collaborative units, centres, schools or disciplines.

The central mission of the NCBES is to develop innovative research programmes that promote the understanding and treatment of today's major diseases. Researchers at the NCBES focus on some of the major medical challenges that face the world today, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, orthopaedic disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. We provide an environment where molecular biology, cell biology, engineering, imaging technology and clinical sciences merge. With a strong focus on translating our discoveries to improved patient care, these themes are supported by enabling expertise in bioanalytical technology, materials science and glycosciences.

Our research is making a real contribution to the advancement of biomedical discovery through significant research centres and clusters including the Alimentary Glycoscience Research Centre, the Regenerative Medicine Institute, the Centre for Chromosome Biology, the Network for Functional Biomaterials, the Centre for Pain Research, the Prostate Cancer Institute and others.

Master of Science (Engineering) (Research)
Total Fees
€ 14,666
Entry Requirements
Candidates for the degree of PhD or MSc by research must have reached a high honours standard (minimum H2.2 [or equivalent international qualification] for an MSc) at the examination for the primary degree or presented such other evidence as will satisfy the Head of School and the College of his/her fitness.

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