A Fast Track from Diploma to Degree for SPMs
HELP University offers five programmes that enable SPM and O-Level students to fast-track from a diploma to a degree.
These are the Diploma in Business, Diploma in IT, Diploma in Business Management, Diploma in Accounting and the Diploma in Communication.
Where normally it would take five years, they can now be completed in four years or less, with substantial benefits. Apart from savings in fees and living expenses, graduates are able to enter the job market sooner and have a head-start in gaining experience to improve their career and promotion prospects.
The Diploma in Business offered by the HELP Faculty of Business, Economics and Accounting (FBEA) prepares students to enter business-related degree programmes at HELP. The curriculum provides a strong background for degree specialisation in accounting, finance, economics, entrepreneurship, business psychology, human resource management, international business, hospitality and tourism management, and marketing.
Moreover, the accounting degree programme is granted affiliation, accreditation and maximum exemptions by professional bodies such as ACCA, ICAEW, CPA Australia and MAICSA.
Exclusively for HELP, specific programmes in the Faculty are the only ones in Malaysia whose credits are accepted into Year 3 by the top-rated University of Queensland in Australia.
The HELP Diploma in IT offered by the Faculty of Computing and Digital Technology (FCDT) provides a thorough grounding in fundamental skills as well as theoretical understanding. Students learn 4IR subjects like IoT, Big Data, Software Development, AI, Machine learning, Cloud Architecture and Blockchain.
It also allows a fast-track to degree programmes in the University of Queensland, Beijing Jiaotong University, University of Technology Sydney and the Eastern Institute of Technology New Zealand.
The University of Derby 3+0 programmes at HELP include a study trip to the university’s campus in the UK.
Other fast-track programmes at HELP University are offered by the Department of Management Studies (DOMS): The Diploma in Business Management and the Diploma in Accounting, which stream into three 3+0 degree programmes offered in collaboration with the University of Derby (UoD), UK, namely the BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance, BA (Hons) Business Management and the BA (Hons) Business Management (International Business).
The University of Derby is ranked among the top 30 in the UK by the Guardian University Guide 2020 and among the top 10 for Business, Management, Marketing and Accounting and Finance by the same guide.
On graduation, UoD students receive an additional qualification: The Advanced Diploma in Management and Leadership from the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), the UK’s chartered body for management and leadership.
Students with the DOMS Diploma are able to complete the UoD degree in three and a half years instead of the usual four. Besides acquiring an internationally recognised UK degree, they also enjoy a subsidised 10-day study trip to the UoD campus in Derby, UK.
SPM holders with just one credit (in any subject) can also obtain a UoD degree in four and a half years. First, they enter the Certificate in Business Management, then proceed to the Diploma in Business Management, Diploma in Accounting or Diploma in Marketing before being admitted into Year 2 of a UoD degree programme.
The Faculty of Arts and Communication (FAC) of HELP University is acknowledged as a hub of academic excellence and creativity. It offers the BCom in three majors: Media Studies, Marketing Communication and Public Relations.
SPM/O-Level/UEC holders need only a credit in English and two other subjects to enter the two-year Diploma in Communication which permits them to enter Year 2 of any one of the BCom degree majors, thus enabling them to graduate in just four years.
The teaching at FAC is supported by a state-of-the-art studio, editing suite and a graphic design lab.
Modules taught in the Diploma in Communication include social and business communication, data analytics, filmmaking for YouTube and social media, video production, advertising and digital marketing.
“The emphasis in the courses is practical, interactive, fun and immersive. They are taught by industry experts, academics and professionals who lead you on amazing physical and imaginative journeys to places and teach you things you never thought possible”, said faculty dean Prof Andy Hickson.
Diploma holders from other universities are also eligible to join the fast-track degrees at HELP University. All Diploma students at HELP enjoy additional benefits.
Value-added subjects such as Critical Thinking Skills, Personal Development & Leadership and Study Skills hone students’ higher order thinking abilities.
SPM holders with eight distinctions are also eligible for the Diploma Distinction Award which gives a 100% tuition fee waiver from diploma to degree in the same subject major.
This is in addition to other schemes like the HELP Excellence Award (worth about RM70,000), School Achiever Study Award, Sports Study Award, Merit Award and scholarships from university partners like the University of Queensland and the Australian National University).
Students in the FBEA Diploma-Degree programmes are also eligible for a subsidised study trip to Australia or China.
Other special value benefits to enhance students’ learning experience and to nurture the A*Gen (the Analytics Generation) are: a free certificate course in Data and Business Analytics; certification in Bloomberg Market Concepts and acquisition of online stock-trading skills in one of the largest Bloomberg Finance Labs among private higher education institutions in Malaysia; and mentorship in e-commerce and e-entrepreneurship with the Alibaba Business School.
Enquiries: marketing@help.edu.my / www.help.edu.my / 03 2716 2000

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