The British Council is delighted to announce that the GREAT Scholarships are once again available for Malaysian students looking to study at postgraduate level in the UK.

The GREAT Scholarships 2021 - Malaysia offers more than RM480,000 worth of scholarships to qualifying Malaysian students intending to undertake postgraduate taught studies in the UK. This year, nine UK universities have partnered with the British Council to offer scholarship opportunities under the GREAT Scholarships 2021 - Malaysia scheme. These universities are Birmingham City University, Oxford Brookes University, University of Bristol, University of Exeter, University of Glasgow, University of Newcastle, University of Nottingham, University of Reading and University of Kent. 

The GREAT Scholarships scheme is jointly funded by the UK government’s GREAT Britain Campaign, the British Council, and participating UK higher education institutions, targeting prospective postgraduate students from a selected number of countries who will enrol into UK universities in the autumn of 2021.

The GREAT Britain Campaign is the UK government’s initiative to promote the UK internationally as a GREAT place to visit, study and do business. The British Council is a partner in the campaign to raise awareness and promote the UK’s strengths in education, English language and the arts.

Making the decision to leave home and move to another country to study at a university brings challenges for international students during the Covid-19 pandemic, but it also indicates a strong commitment to embrace change and discover new ways of learning. The UK’s world-class universities remain open to international students and are continuing to recruit, although admissions processes and modes of teaching might look different to previous years. The East Asia region, including Malaysia, remains a priority region for the UK in attracting postgraduate students to study in the UK.

His Excellency Charles Hay, British High Commissioner to Malaysia said ‘Education has always been a key pillar in the UK’s deep bilateral relationship and people-to-people links with Malaysia. I am therefore delighted that, in addition to the UK government’s Chevening Awards, the GREAT Scholarships scheme will help Malaysia’s top students pursue a world class postgraduate studies in the UK.’         

Jazreel Goh, Director Malaysia, British Council said ‘The UK attracts more than 15,000 Malaysian students every year and values the diversity and academic contribution that Malaysian students bring. The UK remains a beacon for learning, celebrated for its role in welcoming students from around the world and grooming global citizens. The GREAT scholarships are testament to the UK’s commitment to support Malaysian students embarking on their journey to the UK, which will transform their lives and careers, giving each student an experience of a lifetime and insights that are in high global demand.’   

The GREAT Scholarships are only available for one-year postgraduate taught programmes in the UK for the 2021/2022 academic year. Malaysian students intending to apply for the scholarships must have received an offer of entry from any of the nine participating universities mentioned above and must satisfy all entry requirements for the chosen course as stated by the respective university.

For more information about the GREAT Scholarships 2021 - Malaysia, please visit:

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