English with Education Open Doors
Widely adopted in all sectors due to globalisation, the importance of English can never be underestimated, given that English is the official language of many countries and is used as a lingua franca by people from all around the world. English is the language of business and communication worldwide. Knowing English increases one’s chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within one’s home country or finding work abroad.
Combining the versatility of English as a vital language with education, the Bachelor of Arts (Hons) English with Education conducted by Tunku Abdul Rahman University College’s (‘TAR UC’) Faculty of Social Science and Humanities (‘FSSH’) since 2019 aims to fill the need for graduates who are proficient in the English language and equip potential teachers with innovative pedagogical approaches to prepare them for the teaching profession. Not only does it offer vast exposure to knowledge-based learning and hands-on student-centred teaching methodology, the programme also prepares prospective English teachers with the knowledge and skills essential to provide effective English instruction for students throughout the nation. In general, it targets to prepare all-round graduates who can perform effectively in any English language related workplace setting, thus producing highly employable graduates.
Apart from that, graduates of this programme will also be equipped with critical thinking skill that will empower them to understand the ever-changing media as well as form of communication and to function effectively in any professional setting where they need to clearly and persuasively express their ideas in writing and verbal communication. Graduates from this programme are also expected to possess entrepreneurial competencies and willingness to develop themselves by engaging in lifelong learning as well as strong professional ethical values at their workplace.
Izura, who aspires to be a TV host/ Newscaster or school teacher finds the programme useful in preparing her for her future career.
Izura Nurlina is a TAR UC student undertaking the Bachelor of Arts (Hons) English with Education. She was very happy with her choice and gave her reasons as to why she chose to study this programme at TAR UC. “I decided to study at TAR UC because it was near my home and TAR UC’s fees are also affordable. When I searched for the programme online, I was furnished with many options from different universities that offered an English major. But, what I found unique about the programme at TAR UC was that it entails Business Communication which hones our interpersonal communication skills that can be utilised at the corporate workplace. On top of that, there is also English Literature as part of the syllabus. These two subjects make a great practical combination in honing my skills for my future job and career,” she enthused.
On what she hoped to be in the future, she said: “I hope to be a newscaster or any host on TV”. She added that the programme prepares her well for the career she chooses to have in the future. “It teaches me subjects that matter in a practical manner. For instance, Phonetics and Phonology helps me speak English more fluently and Curriculum and Syllabus Design helps me to better understand the target audience and vision of Malaysia’s curriculum design. This is helpful as my second ambition is to become a school teacher,” she said.
This Bachelor degree programme is a 3-year programme with an internship element in it. The internship is a teaching practicum and students are required to do their teaching practicum at a school. They will undergo an interview process just like getting a job at the school. It will be over a 14-week long semester and it will be conducted in their final year.
Career prospects for graduates of this programme include English language teachers/lecturers, writers, editors, content writers/producers online and print media, copywriters, news reporters and social media managers and more.
For more information about Bachelor of Arts (Hons) English with Education or other programmes offered by FSSH, intakes or other general enquiries about TAR UC, please visit www.tarc.edu.my.
Our October and November Intakes are currently in progress. Prospective students can submit their application online at www.tarc.edu.my. Attractive scholarships are also available at TAR UC based on academic merit and there is sibling discount for qualified students.

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