First City University College‘s annual Innovation Day is back for its seventh time, organised yearly by the Faculty of Engineering and Computing.   This event exhibit the students’ most inventive projects at First City UC, as the university college continues to celebrate the power of innovation in these future engineers, programmers and IT specialists.   This event was graced in the presence of First City UC’s Director, Y Bhg Prof Tan Sri Dato’ (Dr) Teo Chiang Liang, Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dr. Mak Chai, Chief Operating Officer, Ms Yeong Yin Cheng, Dean Faculty of Engineering & Computing, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Christine Lee, faculty staff, potential employers, industry partners, events sponsors, , members of the media and students.
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A student explaining his project to a potential employer during the exhibition.
Approximately, fifty projects including the finest projects from students pursuing their final year BEng (Hons) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and BSc (Hons) Software Engineering programmes. Selected projects from students who are studying the Diploma in Information Technology programme will also be showcased at the event.   The annual Innovation Day, which has been held since 2012, has traditionally been recognised and anticipated every year; serving as a platform for the students to connect with the industry, as potential employers and partners who have longstanding relationships with the institution are invited to the event. The projects on display during this event often impress the attendees to even extend offers of employment to the students on the spot.
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Top Management of First City UC, from left: Ms Wendy Wong from Quality Assurance Department, Mr Lye Boon Han, Registrar of First City UC, Mr Chio Mook Kim, Deputy Head of Faculty of Engineering & Computing Department, Director of First City UC, Tan Sri Teo Chiang Liang, Ir Rocky Wong from Board of Engineers Malaysia, Professor Dr. Mak Chai, Vice Chancellor of First City UC, Ms Yeong Yin Cheng, Chief Operating Officer of First City UC, Head of Faculty of Engineering & Computing, Assoc. Dr. Christine Lee and Mr Koong Kok Leong, faculty staff of First City UC.
A special guest, Ir. Rocky Wong from the Board of Engineers Malaysia imparted his knowledge and experiences on “Challenges Faced by the Engineering Profession in an Open Market Economy.”   The best projects in the Engineering and Computing categories will be presented with cash awards in a move by the Faculty to boost motivation and provide encouragement to the students to continue producing and creating more innovative projects in the future. The selection of winners will be via professional assessment (70%) and voting (30%).
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Tan Sri Dato’ Teo Chiang Liang presenting a token of appreciation to guest speaker Ir Rocky Wong during the event.
First City UC constantly works with collaborative partners in relevant digital industries such as IBM Malaysia and Google Malaysia to enhance its students’ learning experience. As the Faculty continues innovating itself to keep up with industry’s demands, there will be more new programmes offered for students who wish to pursue careers in Engineering and Information Technology, particularly in Mechanical, Mobile Computing, Networking and Security.
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