Gain A Well-Rounded University Student Experience at NUMed

As an international branch campus of Newcastle University, UK, Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia (NUMed) offers top-notch British-style education that is identical to that offered at the parent campus yet is conveniently accessible on the shores of Malaysia. The university's reputation and popularity are supported by high-quality teaching and learning experiences, as well as providing students with ample research opportunities in a variety of areas throughout their studies.

Alongside top-notch academics, NUMed aims to provide students with a balanced experience via a myriad of clubs and societies. In addition to being wonderful avenues for one to make friends with people who share similar interests, they also provide opportunities for students to take a break from the rigours of academic demands while honing important soft skills. 

Here are some reasons why you should start joining clubs and societies at NUMed:- 

1. Social Networking: Joining clubs and societies provides an excellent opportunity to meet new people and make friends. It can be especially helpful for students who are new to the university or looking to expand their social circle.

2. Skill Development: Many clubs and societies, such as the Asian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA NUMed), the Med Ed Society, the Debate Society, and sports clubs, provide opportunities for skill development outside of the classroom. Whether it’s learning a new sport, honing your leadership skills, or gaining event planning experience, these activities can broaden one’s skill set and help to shape them into well-rounded individuals.

3. Networking Opportunities: Many clubs and societies are affiliated with professionals or alumni who can offer valuable insights, mentorship, and potential job opportunities. Networking through these organisations can be beneficial for students’ future careers locally and internationally.

4. Stress Relief: University life can be stressful, and participating in clubs or societies can be a great way to unwind and take a break from academic pressures. It provides a healthy balance between work and play. On top of that, being a part of clubs and societies enhances the students’ experiences. They will also be able to get insights into different cultures, beliefs and views, while picking up a new skill or hobby.

For those seeking a more active lifestyle, there are sports clubs such as Volleyball Club, FLEB Frisbee, NUMed Basketball Association, and NUMed Dance Club. Belief and culture-based societies include the NUMed International Society (NISOC), Islamic Society (ISOC), Christian Fellowship, NUMed Buddhist Society, Chinese Society, and the NUMed Indian Society. There are also medical-related societies, Debate Society, a music club and more. 

Students will benefit from these clubs and societies in terms of recognising their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as experiencing personal development in a diverse group. They will be able to identify their areas of expertise, interests, and skills. Aside from fostering friendship and enjoyment, the clubs and society will provide students with new experiences that can be listed on their resumes when they graduate. 

For further details on NUMed programmes and/or its clubs and societies, email, call +607-555 3800, WhatsApp +6011-1231 5411/+6012-784 9456, or visit


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