University life is not all about studying to get your degree. Here are some ways to make the most out of your time at college or university.
Stay on Campus
Nowadays, it is common to find individuals studying outstation or overseas. For many, this signifies the first time they are moving away from home. If the institution you study at provides accommodation, take the chance to stay on campus right away! Staying on campus is convenient as it is easy to get to classes and facilities by walking or taking the campus bus. Besides that, students who stay on campus gain lifelong skills such as independence and tolerance. Students also have the opportunity to improve their time management, financial management and communication skills. Students learn how to take care of themselves and to live with others when they stay on campus.
Join Extracurricular Activities
Majority of colleges and universities have an extensive list of extracurricular activities for students to choose from. Although not compulsory, students are encouraged to be active in extracurricular activities even at college or university level. Join clubs, societies and sporting activities based on your passions and interests. The benefits of joining extracurricular activities include meeting people from different faculties, the opportunity to travel for competitions, gaining new skills and maintaining an active lifestyle. However, it is important not to participate in too many activities that they get in the way of your studies.
Take the Opportunity to Travel
A number of undergraduate programmes offer twinning programmes or placements with partner universities abroad. If finances are not an issue, take this opportunity to study in another country! You will meet people from different cultures, learn a new language and expand your worldview. Students who study abroad are known to be more open-minded and tolerant, and this will help greatly when looking for a job in the future. If you do not have the opportunity to study abroad, you can still travel by planning short trips with your coursemates on long weekends and term breaks.
Engage in Social Work and Part-time Jobs
University is the time to focus on developing yourself but it is also important to think of ways to give back to the community. If you are passionate about social work, you can plan internal charity drives and events at university itself to raise money for a good cause. You can also participate in social work engagements organised by your university. Not only will you be helping others, you will also be making your university experience more meaningful. In addition, you can work part-time during summer holidays and on weekends. Working part-time means earning extra pocket money and this will also look good on your resume in the future.
Whether you choose to pursue your pre-university, diploma or degree qualifications, going to college or university for the first time is both exciting and scary. Although it is important to study hard, it is equally important to have fun and make the most out of your college or university experience. You will meet people who will become your lifelong friends, make great memories and gain skills that will help you grow as a human being.

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