A job in broadcasting is suitable for individuals who enjoy informing and entertaining an audience. 

Broadcasting is one of the fields that Mass Communications students can pursue after they graduate. It involves the transmission of audio and video content through radio, television and over the Internet. The most common forms of broadcasting are news broadcasting, radio announcing and video broadcasting on web-based media outlets. 

Here are some of the popular career paths in the broadcasting industry: 


Behind the camera

Producer (Television, Film, Radio)

The main responsibility of a producer is to manage all aspects of a production from start to finish. Producers form a creative and stable working environment and work closely with directors and production staff. Besides that, they are in charge of arranging and securing funding for a particular project and ensure that the project can be delivered on time and on budget. Other tasks include reading scripts, organising shoot schedules and hiring staff. 



Cameramen shoot and produce footage required for a particular project using digital, electronic and film cameras. Prior to filming, cameramen have to make sure that all equipment, such as tripods, monitors and cables, are ready to go. They also need to have good visual skills and fix any technical problems that arise while filming. A cameraman commonly records live events and performances, projects in a studio, as well as shows and movies on location. 



Scripts for films, television shows and news programmes are prepared by screenwriters. They are tasked with capturing stories and character traits in detail according to the needs of the directors and producers of a project. Therefore, screenwriters need to work well with others as well as work independently to deliver a script on time. In addition, screenwriters may be asked to rewrite or prepare several versions of the script during the production stage of a project. 


In front of the camera 

News Anchor

News anchors present the day’s news from pre-written scripts live on television. They also give commentary on certain news stories and interact with other anchors who are with them or are reporting from another location. Some news anchors also interview guests about a particular topic on air. In addition, news anchors conduct research and work together with editors and journalists to compile the latest local and international news. 


Radio Announcer

Radio announcers, also known as disc jockeys, report news, interview guests and play music over the airwaves. Some announcers follow a script while others are allowed to improvise content for a programme. They need to prepare a song playlist and information on those songs. The main duty of a radio announcer is to keep listeners engaged with informative and entertaining content. Therefore, they have to prepare for their broadcasts by researching, fact-checking and preparing scripts. 


Television host

All entertainment programmes, variety shows, reality shows and talk shows must be presented by a host. Television hosts are likeable on-air personas who introduce programmes, interview guests and ensure the programme is going according to plan. This is especially important for live coverage of events. They also may be involved in production-related tasks such as editing, creating programme schedules and operating the control board. 


Jobs in broadcasting are very hands-on and people-centric. In addition to formal qualifications, internships and work experience in the industry are useful when it comes to applying for a position in broadcasting.

The rise of the Internet and social media have also created new careers in broadcasting. These include YouTubers, vloggers, bloggers and podcast hosts.  

News from Institutions
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