Leap into Dreams • Co-create a New Journey | TWC commences its 15th Anniversary celebrations

東華學院今日舉行十五周年校慶啟動禮,以「飛躍夢想 • 共創新程」為主題,為校慶活動揭開序幕。啟動禮由東華三院甲辰年董事局主席暨東華學院校董會主席鄧明慧女士、東華學院校務委員會主席曾慶業先生及校長陳慧慈教授擔任主禮嘉賓,連同近百名嘉賓、學院管理層及師生,共同見證學院踏入新里程。
Tung Wah College held the kick-off ceremony for its 15th Anniversary Celebration today, with the theme of “Leap into Dreams • Co-create a New Journey”, officially launched the year-long celebrations. The ceremony was officiated by Ms. Mandy Tang Ming Wai, Chairman of TWGHs Board of Directors 2024/2025 cum Chairman of Board of Governors of TWC; Mr. York Tseng Hing Yip, Chairman of College Council of TWC; and Professor Sally Chan, President of TWC, along with nearly a hundred guests, senior management, faculty, and students, all witnessing the College embark on a new milestone.
As the new year begins, the College will host a series of anniversary events to connect with various sectors and share its growth journey over the past fifteen years. We sincerely invite all community members to offer its strong support to our 15th Anniversary celebrations and join us in celebrating this significant milestone.

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