Over Half of TWC Graduates Earn More Than HK$35K Monthly 90% of 2024 Graduates Join Healthcare Sector
東華學院今日(2 月17日)舉行傳媒聚會,校長陳慧慈教授向傳媒分享學院升格大學的最新進展,並公布2024年畢業生的就業情況。
Tung Wah College held a media reception today (17 February 2025), during which Professor Sally Chan, President of TWC, shared the College’s latest development on the progress in attaining university title and announced the employment situation of its 2024 graduates.
Tung Wah College has made significant progress towards achieving university status, including successfully obtained the second Programme Area Accreditation (PAA) for the Programme Area of Biological Sciences in August last year, as well as completed the third PAA in January this year. Professor Chan expressed optimism and confidence about the accreditation results. The College plans to commission the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) to conduct combined institutional reviews for becoming a private university and University of Applied Sciences (UAS) within this year. We expect to apply for the university title and UAS status in a parallel track through the Education Bureau to the Chief Executive-in-Council in the 2025/2026 academic year.
The salary figures of the 2024 TWC graduates recorded steady growth. Graduates' overall average monthly salary reached HK$33,869 in 2024, marking a record high with an increase of 11% compared with the corresponding figure in 2023. About 85% of graduates earned a monthly salary exceeding HK$30,000, with nearly 50% of them earning over HK$35,000 monthly. These figures underscore the competitiveness of TWC graduates in the job market and their strong reputation among employers.

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