Klang, 12th February 2020 – Leading automotive replacement parts manufacturer, New Hoong Fatt Holdings Bhd (NHF) is offering up to 20 placements within its advanced apprenticeship program for the year 2020. Applications for the sponsored advanced apprenticeship program are currently open and will end in February 2020.

The advanced apprenticeship program or Malaysian Meister Program creates Technical and Vocational Education & Training (TVET) opportunities for Malaysian students. It prepares students for jobs for the future; and is part of an ecosystem that is supported by the industry, training institutions and government.

Mr. Chin Jit Sin, Managing Director of New Hoong Fatt, says they look forward to drawing more interest from students in this valuable opportunity, “At New Hoong Fatt we invest in human capital development for sustainable business growth. We aim to support the government’s efforts in producing workers equipped to meet the demands of the 4th Industrial Revolution (IR) 4.0, while endeavoring to raise the percentage of local workers from 70% to 85% of the workforce.

At New Hoong Fatt, a total of 22 young Malaysians have graduated from the Malaysian Meister Program in Mechatronic Engineering and Precision Machining and are now employed at the Group’s manufacturing plant in Klang.

Throughout Malaysia, so far, approximately 500 students have participated in this program across eight training institutions all over Malaysia. Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC), one of the approved training institutions of the MMP, works with industry players like New Hoong Fatt, to identify suitable Malaysian students to be upskilled.

According to Ms. Teh Sook Ling, Chief Operating Officer of SHRDC, over the years it has trained over 19,000 apprentices with at least 95% employment rate. “This year together with the industry and relevant government agencies, they hope to launch training programmes with key enabling competencies for practical implementation of industry 4.0 technologies.” she added.

SHRDC’s key objective is to encourage Malaysian industries and local talent to disseminate technology into processes, to improve productivity and efficiency through training.

Established since 2015, the Malaysian Meister Program (MMP) aims to upskill graduates and reskill the existing Mechatronic Engineering and Precision Machining workforce.  The MMP includes skills and knowledge in computing, robotics, machine learning, virtualization techniques and intelligent decision-making capabilities.

It answers the industry’s calls of developing a new cluster of high caliber “hands-on engineering technologists” who have strong engineering capabilities coupled with practical industry experience.

Supported by the Government of Malaysia via the Ministry of Human Resources, the program is adapted from the German Meister (meaning Master Craftsman) Program. It is a 2-year course where students are trained through a two-pronged approach and is conducted at both the workplace and training institution in actual work conditions under the guidance of competent coaches and Meister trainers.

SHRDC and NHF are currently recruiting the next batch of students for the MMP. For more information kindly visit or 


Malaysian Meister Program Graduates at the Tool and Die Division in NHFs’ Manufacturing Plant


About Selangor Human Resource Development Centre

SHRDC offers a wide range of high quality and relevant courses to individuals and organisations looking to raise their own benchmarks. It provides top tier management courses across all industries but also niche training's and certifications for specific competencies in the areas of Electronics and Electrical, Information and Communications Technology, Micro-systems, Plastics Technology and Soft skills / Essential Skills.

About New Hoong Fatt Holdings Berhad

New Hoong Fatt Holdings Berhad, is a public listed company listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. The Group first established its business in 1977 as a trading company providing automotive parts solutions to the local replacement market. It has grown to become a major distributor of genuine and alternative automotive body replacement parts, with an extensive distribution channel of more than 1,000 wholesalers and retailers throughout Malaysia. Since then, the NHF Group has also expanded to manufacturing of metal and plastic automotive replacement body parts such as doors, hoods, fenders, bumpers, grilles and lamps. Having its headquarters in Klang, Selangor, it is a market leader that now exports to more than 50 countries. For further information on NHF Group, kindly visit

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