In the latest announcement of SETARA (Rating System for Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia) for the year 2018/2019 by the Ministry of Higher Education, TAR UC in its inaugural participation successfully obtains 5-Star rating under the University Colleges category.
Higher education institutions taking part in the SETARA are evaluated across 38 indicators covering 4 core functions namely “General”, “Teaching and Learning”, “Research” and “Services”. The institutions are rated between one to six stars with six stars being the highest level of excellence. The excellent rating for TAR UC (5-Star) signifies TAR UC’s exceptional academic strength and quality in delivering top-notch tertiary education. With more than 50 years of education excellence that has nurtured more than 210,000 graduates many of whom are industry captains, eminent entrepreneurs and professionals around the world, this recognition is certainly felicitous and reflective of TAR UC’s towering track record in providing quality education.
Prof Ir Dr Lee Sze Wei, President of TAR UC, is brimming with pride over the latest achievement of TAR UC. “The 5-Star rating accorded to TAR UC is very significant to us as it is a clear indication of the quality education we provide at TAR UC. This will give us the impetus to continue to excel in providing quality education”.

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