Why Should You Study Law in Malaysia: 10 Strong Reasons

Law degrees have long been one of the most sought-after and well-respected academic disciplines. This degree is the initial step toward a career in the legal industry for many individuals. 

In this article, we will shed light on what a law degree is and why you should become a law student in Malaysia.


What is a law degree?

A law degree, or legal studies, touches nearly every aspect of human existence, including business, economics, politics, the environment, human rights, international relations, and commerce.

In both criminal and civil matters, a lawyer advises and represents clients and their legal rights. This can start with giving advice, then go on to producing paperwork and petitions, and, in certain cases, appearing in court to represent clients.

While getting a law degree, you should expect to understand how to handle some of modern society's most difficult – and often apparently unsolvable – problems and difficulties. Law degrees are an excellent way to prepare for a wide range of professional jobs – and, indeed, for life in general.


Types of law degrees

There are a few types of law degrees available to you in Malaysia. The list is as follows:

  • Business law
    Business law encompasses all aspects of the law relating to industry and commerce, including taxation, liability, licencing, and trademarking. This enormously broad subject of law is split into a variety of sub-specialities.
  • Criminal law
    Criminal law is concerned with the prosecution by the government of anybody who is accused of committing criminal conduct as defined by public law.
  • Admiralty law
    Admiralty law, often known as marine law, deals with subjects including shipping, navigation, waterways, insurance, canals, and even piracy.
  • Environmental law
    The majority of environmental law originates from a set of federal laws that require agencies and companies to consider the environmental impact of their operations. 
    The legislation established regulations and standards to safeguard the environment from both governmental and private acts.
  • Intellectual property law
    Patents, trademarks, and copyrights are all covered under intellectual property law, which is a broad field of law that deals with the acquisition and enforcement of these rights.


10 strong reasons to study law in Malaysia

Now that you know what a law degree is, here are 10 reasons why you should consider law school in Malaysia:

  1. Law gives you the power to make a difference
    With the relevant legal knowledge acquired, you’ll be able to become the voice of marginalised groups and even change systems within society that are defective.
  2. A multitude of career options
    A law degree can help you advance in the legal profession, but it can also help you find work in a variety of other fields. 
    Law degrees are academically demanding and give graduates a wide range of transferable skills, making them appealing to a wide range of companies. 
    Law graduates are frequently employed in fields such as banking, finance, marketing, and management in a variety of sectors, including insurance.

  3. Law is in high demand
    A study by “The Inside Story of Malaysia” revealed that while Malaysia's lockdown has had a direct influence on the job market, the legal role has grown more important than ever before
    For example, the increased significance of regulatory supervision as a result of recent changes now extends to non-financial firms, resulting in a higher need for legal experts with experience in the sector.
    Similarly, in light of mobility limitations, the growing digitalization of workplaces has resulted in a greater demand for legal counsel. 

  4. A rewarding profession
    As a lawyer, you will most certainly work long hours and take on hard and perhaps stressful assignments. However, it is also a very fulfilling job as it comes with various perks.
    For example, occasionally lawyers travel across the country, if not the globe, to take part in trials, depositions, arbitrations, and commercial transactions. Others mingle with politicians, business executives, athletes, and even celebrities.
    No matter how you specialise in your legal practice, making a difference, defending the rule of law, and helping to win cases will be satisfying career paths.

  5. Fosters vital skills
    A legal degree prepares individuals to speak clearly and concisely about the law. Professors educate students by using simple terminology to describe complicated ideas and teach them how to counsel future clients.
    Many legal students compete in mooting, arguing, and bargaining events, honing their oral advocacy abilities and developing their ability to think.
    With a law degree, you'll get a variety of abilities that will help you find work in both legal and non-legal fields. The capacity to comprehend complicated information, research skills and the ability to construct good arguments are all examples of these talents.

  6. Provides financial security and employment security
    Money isn't always the most essential consideration when choosing a professional path, but it is certainly a deciding factor. One of the most compelling reasons to pursue a law degree is that you will be able to begin your professional path with a high yearly wage.
    For instance, the average yearly salary of a lawyer in Malaysia, for the year 2021, is around RM177,195

  7. Challenges you intellectually
    If you have a capacious mind and passion to keep learning, a law degree will be perfect for you. In the legal profession, problem solvers with rapid factual recall,, inventive, and systematic thinkers are needed. You can expect to be intellectually challenged on a daily basis as a prospective law student.

  8. Useful for daily activities
    A legal degree may be used for more than just becoming a lawyer. The skills you gain while studying law are applicable not only in the courtroom or in a legal firm, but also in everyday life.
    For example, as a lawyer, you're aware that most contracts have a set of standard provisions that are typically the same regardless of the deal. Because you have insider knowledge, you can skim through to locate the most significant information that impacts you. 

  9. Gain impeccable knowledge 
    As a law student, you will have a better grasp of how the legal system operates. This entails gaining a better understanding of society from a legal standpoint as well as the relationships between law, morality, justice, and society.
    Gradually, you will learn about numerous fields of law and build links between the sectors while developing academic skills such as analysis, assessment, and attention to detail.

  10. Status and prestige
    While some individuals have unfavourable opinions about lawyers, these are sometimes intended in a light-hearted manner. 
    Many people do recognise the important role lawyers play in society. For instance, how lawyers bring about justice and the intellect and devotion required to study and practice law.
    A legal degree is without a doubt prestigious. You just have to look at the number of novels, films, and television shows on the legal system to realise how essential attorneys are in our culture. 
    This degree is also valuable in non-legal fields since many companies want employees with the abilities that a law degree provides.


What can you do with a law degree? 

With a legal degree, you can consider taking up various roles like:

  • Paralegal 
    Paralegals analyse legal matters, produce reports and legal papers, compose pleadings and motions to be submitted with the court, and help lawyers during trials.
  • Legal executive 
    Legal executives are fee-earning attorneys who specialise in a certain legal subject, such as litigation or conveyancing and perform comparable work to solicitors.
  • Barrister
    Barristers are legal experts who represent solicitors and other clients in court and give legal advice.
  • Conveyancer
    A professional conveyancer assists with the settling and title transfer process to ensure that their client is complying with all legal requirements and that their rights are safeguarded during the transaction.
  • Lobbyist 
    Lobbyists are professional advocates who work on behalf of individuals and organisations to influence political decisions. 
  • Prosecutor
    A prosecutor is a government lawyer who is in charge of charging and trying cases against people who have been accused of crimes.
  • Enforcement lawyer
    Enforcement lawyers are in charge of pursuing legal action in federal or state courts, as well as inside administrative authorities, to bring lawbreakers into conformity.
  • Legal journalist
    Individuals who work as legal journalists cover issues that are exclusively linked to the law. Their mission is to provide specialised reporting on all topics relating to the legal profession.
  • Judge’s associate 
  • The role of a Judge's Associate is special in that it requires the Judge and the Associate to work closely together. They usually assist a judge by conducting legal research.


Who can study law?

Studying law can be intense and hard. Hence, not everyone will be a perfect fit for this degree. However, you should consider studying law if you are: 

  • Able to handle pressure
  • Well organised
  • Can focus on working efficiently
  • Able to stand competition with your peers
  • Willing to read a lot of heavy materials
  • Being a law student is exactly what you desire.

If you find yourself lacking in these attributes but still very interested in attending law school, then put aside your worries and pursue your dreams. With hard work and passion, you can achieve your dreams of becoming a successful lawyer. 


How to motivate yourself to study law?

Studying law can be something that is rather overwhelming. As a law student, you will have to take up a lot of reading. You will also be required to memorise law terminology and also have to undergo mock trials with your peers. 

This can all be too much for a person to handle and you will feel like giving up. However, here are some ways in which you can motivate yourself to get through your law degree:

  • Have a clear goal
  • Make no comparisons to your peers.
  • Celebrate small milestones
  • Be consistent 
  • Keep in mind how far you've come.
  • Have faith in yourself
  • Continue to seek opportunities.



If it’s your desire to pursue a law degree, the law programme in UOW Malaysia KDU might be the perfect match for you. 

Our law programme in partnership with the University of London focuses on comprehensive education and real-world learning provides our students with the greatest possible preparation for law school. 

When students come here to study law, we help them figure out which role is best for them. Enquire here today!

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