What Can You Expect to Earn as a Software Engineer?

From Binary Language to Robotic User Interfaces, the digital movement has been constantly and rapidly progressing. With every form of connection becoming mobile, the need to physically purchase items becomes reduced over time, and accessible information keeps growing exponentially. 

With the conception of the internet being a massive landmark in our world’s timeline, everything is taking a digital form. However, all digital entities move on software programs, and it is still in the hands of humans to provide a platform for it to thrive. 

That particular group of people are called Software Engineers.


Software Engineers: Catalyst of the Digital Age

Believe it or not, without software engineers, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy the digitally driven world that we live in. This makes them really valuable assets to the world’s progression, in a direction to make everyone on the surface of the earth more connected than ever. 

Individuals who are interested in the fields of computer science and/or technology may be interested in pursuing a career as a software engineer. But it is essential to know this field  is in the first place.


What is Software Engineering?

Software engineering is a field that is vitally important to computer technology as a whole. Without the software to run the computer hardware, it  is simply a clump of plastic, silicon and metal – perhaps useful as an overpriced paperweight.

In a tighter sense, it is the application of engineering principles to the design, development and implementation of software. Because software engineering is such a unique, scientific and technically driven field, special training and formal degrees are required. 

By getting a degree in software engineering, graduates can work in any number of fields creating video games, developing internet applications, running computer networks or implementing computer security measures for an organization.


How to Become a Software Engineer?

The mastery of Software Engineering has a lot of depth to it – from engineering, computing, project management, to software development. It is definitely an ever-changing profession, one that adapts as new technologies are developed. Because of its shifting nature, there are multiple entry points into the profession.

Education is always the first step. Prospective students can select from both traditional and non-traditional training programs to gain the education necessary to pursue entry-level positions.

One of the most mainstream options is to get a Degree in the relative field. Whether it is enrolling in an Associate’s Degree or Bachelor’s Degree program, both alternatives should be able to give good head starts in your Software Engineering career. 

There are many decent options for universities to enrol in, but one of the best options is definitely UOW Malaysia KDU’s software engineering program. Their industry centric curriculum is optimal to create the ideal graduate which is ready to take on the industry.

There are also various Training Bootcamps that you can sign up for. 

The general consensus is that despite the heavy investment, it is worth it to do so. 

Coding bootcamps are intensive, accelerated learning programs that teach digital skills like Full-Stack Web Development, Data Science, Digital Marketing, UX/UI Design, and Cybersecurity. Overall, 75% of coding bootcamp grads are employed full-time.

Then there are those that are financially challenged. There are many sources for those that do not have the funds to do so. With online courses all over, many people are putting classes on various platforms. Though online students get more than bang for no buck invested, the quality is just not up to mark compared to attending classes personally, where you are face to face with your lecturer, teacher or mentor.

Everyone will have a different career path, and this includes the path of each different individual that decides to make Software Engineering their niche.


What’s in it for Software Engineers in Malaysia

In Malaysia, the future of the job landscape for software engineering is looking bright. There are various  multinational companies that have already set camp, such as Intel, Motorola, Texas Instruments, and National Instruments. These companies definitely place value in having software engineers as part of their workforce. 


Software engineer salary

For entry level, fresh grads are able to enjoy one of the highest starting salaries compared to other industries, and there are also various opportunities to progress. All you need is dedication, hard work, and passion to go the extra mile.

According to Payscale, lead software engineers in Malaysia can earn from MYR100,000 to 365,000 per year. 


Software engineer job opportunities

A software engineering degree will open doors to other jobs and career opportunities that pay well, such as: 

App developer

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Data scientist

Front end / back end developer

Full stack developer

Game developer

Ops developer

Software development manager

Technical architect

Web developer

Cyber security engineers

Machine learning engineers

Cloud engineers

Python developers

Information systems manager

IT consultant

Multimedia programmer

Web developer/web designer

Forensic computer analyst

Software tester


It’s Not Just About The Pay; It’s About The Learning Process

Software engineering is an industry that is looking bright as ever. With the rapid progression of technology advancement has gone through in recent years, the world needs more software engineers to facilitate this development. 

There is definitely a lot that one can earn from their journeys, and that is just not financially, but also individually.


Skills Needed to Become a Software Engineer

Here are some skills that will enable you to become a successful software engineer. However, do not worry too much if you deem yourself lacking in any of these areas. Engineering courses and work experience will help you to develop and sharpen these skills. 


  • Knowledge of programming languages
    Software engineers need to be fluent in programming languages such as SQL, JAVA, JAVASCRIPT, C#, IOS, PHP and PYTHON. The more languages you know, the better your job prospects will be. Do note that some programming languages will take some time and effort to learn. 


  • Able to work under pressure
    Although you will most likely work in a nice office environment on the computer, you will have to deal and communicate with clients. You will need to be able to handle demanding clients and sometimes work hard to meet tight deadlines. 


  • Able to explain technical terms in everyday language
    As a software engineer, you know what happens inside a computer, and its programming languages. However, your clients do not. You will need to be able to explain software engineering jargon in non-technical terms simply and patiently. 


  • Logical thinking and problem solving skills
    You will need to be able to pinpoint software problems and solve these issues. Sometimes even the smallest of errors can cause big problems. As such, you will need to be able to think and problem solve on your feet. 


  • Ability to work in a team
    Software engineers often have to work in teams. As such you will need interpersonal skills that make it easier to work with others. Respecting and listening to what others are saying as well as accepting criticism are all part of the job. 


  • Pay attention to details
    Because your day to day work of analyzing, building and maintaining code involves complex details, software engineers  need to be able to pay meticulous attention to detail. 


  • Have strong written and verbal communication skills
    Software engineers need to be able to convey information clearly and accurately. You will need to ensure that your team and clients understand each other in order to prevent miscommunication. Your written skills will be needed when you write reports. 


  • Strong mathematical skills.
    At the heart of software engineering and programming is mathematics. You will need to apply math concepts to solve complex problems. 


Software Engineer Working Hours

Software engineers usually work eight to ten hours a day. However, you may be required to work in shifts or do overtime, depending on the company you are working for. Corporations that serve international clients may ask that you work at odd hours. These corporations may also deploy you abroad to serve clients better. 



Software engineers are well paid and it is definitely worth your time and money to pursue a software engineering degree. It is also a rewarding career with many opportunities for you to grow, develop and advance. If you’re considering taking up a software engineering course after secondary school or high school, learn more about UOW Malaysia KDU University’s Bachelor of Software Engineering (Hons) here!



  1. https://www.computersciencedegreehub.com/faq/what-is-a-software-engineer/
  2. https://www.learnhowtobecome.org/computer-careers/software-engineering/
  3. https://www.coursereport.com/blog/are-coding-bootcamps-worth-it
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